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Wednesday, 1 April 2009

"There was a boy
A very strange, enchanted boy".

"But diamonds are a girl´s best friend."
"So exciting
The audience will stop and cheer
So delighting"
It will run for fifty... years..."

"hope you don't mind
i hope you don't mind
that i put down in words
how wonderful life is now you're in the world"

"E: We could steal time...Just for one day.
Both: We could be heroes, for ever and ever."

"Today's the day when dreaming ends..."

You don't have to put on that red light
Walk the streets for money
You don't care if it's wrong or if it is right"

"want to vanish inside your kiss,
everyday i love you more and more,
Listen to my heart can you hear it sing,
telling me to give you everything,
seasons may change winter to spring,
but i love you until the end of time,
Come what may,
come what may,
i will love you"

The end.
(los que la vieron sabe como termina, y no me gusta decir los finales.)

“The greatest thing you’ll ever learn

Is just to love and be loved in return”


Melina D said...

si son todas canciones la mayoria jaj me re gusta tu blog che un beso asi de gigante!

Antonella said...

me encanta moulin rouge :)
bombonciña nos estamos hablando, te quiero verrrrr amiga

Seventh Son Of The Seventh Son said...

Fan de clu'?jajaja dios mio,es Club de Fans xD
sos un desaaaaaastre ;) JAJA
te amo

AL said...

amooooooooooo Moulin Rouge (L)

Wanda said...

No vi Moulin Rouge :P
Pero trabaja la actriz de Hechizada (malisima pelicula) y no me cae xD

Saludos Sonia!

VIP: Vampire In Progress